Sunday, June 30, 2013

Something...New. And Kind Of Boring.

I need to write, and I need to stop stopping myself from expressing what I am thinking about and feeling. Most things I write won't be funny or especially deep...but I need to write--I want to write--for me. So the tone of this blog might be slightly different for a while. It might be a little bit more of me just...talking about my days and/or my week.


It's been a long week. It's been a week full of changes and unknowns and long days, late nights, and not enough sleep. I've single-handedly financially supported the chocolate industry this week (the chocolate-covered raisin industry, to be precise.) I've consumed both too much and too little caffeine, not spent enough time with God, and said too many goodbyes and not enough hellos. I procrastinated too much about important things and used so much bleach yesterday that I lost all sense of smell and taste for 3 hours (I scrubbed my floor and tub and tile within an inch of its life.) Oh, and I've eaten a lot of gummy lifesavers. Can I just say...who the hell decided it was a good idea to add 39857 cherry flavored lifesavers and only 5 orange flavored lifesavers, to each bag? It's like when you buy a can of mixed nuts, and you get 3 pistachios, 13 almonds, 8 mystery nuts, and 5000 peanuts. No one one the damned peanuts!!!

so, earlier today, I went to a park near my house to sit and think and try to talk to God. I've been putting off talking to God. It's just like every time I sit down to talk to him....I just don't know what to say. But it is because there is so much to say. I just don't know where to begin. But I'll probably expand on that later.

In other random news... I accidentally sent a text message to the dad of the kid I nanny for (instead of my friend who had just texted me saying she had dyed her hair) which said, "Send me a picture!!!" This was my first week working for this talk about awkward. I quickly realized what I had done, and tried to correct my mistake by saying, "Oops! I sent that to the wrong friend. Unless you just died your hair?" Ha ha smooth, Lauren. So smooth. Or not...because I had to send another text to correct myself yet again when I realized I had said "died" and not "dyed". Face in my hands

About Me

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This blog is basically how I de-stress from 1.) all the awkwardness I encounter and cause on a daily basis and 2.) life in general. You know all of those little situations and bumps in the road that you don't give a second that about? (No, you don't know, because you didn't give them a second thought.) Well, those kinds of situations tend to create existential dilemmas in my soul. So at some point I will probably give you too much in depth information on my emotional, spiritual, and mental health, because some self-absorbed part of me thinks you really want to know.
