Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Actually, it isn't that beautiful. But thanks!

So I've heard this song played on the (Christian) radio station a few times in the past week or two. The first time I heard it, it made me laugh. The second time it I heard it play, it just pissed me off. But that was mostly because I was just in a shitty bad mood.

The first mistake this band made was naming their group,"We As Human".  It just sounds so dumb and like they're trying way too hard to have a clever name. They should have called themselves, "We're Cliche But Know How To Rhyme Like Nobody's Business". 

So, this is the part of the song that most annoyed me (the most)

But isn't it beautiful
The way we fall apart
It's magical and tragic all the ways we break our hearts

So unpredictable
We're comfortably miserable
We think we're invincible
Completely unbreakable
Maybe we are
Isn't it beautiful
The way we all fall apart 

First of all, when I first heard the guy sing this song, I swore he was saying "tragical" and not "tragic all". So in all fairness, he gets two points for not actually rhyming magical and tragical

But dear Lord almighty...besides the complete unoriginality of this song, I have an issue with what it is saying, as well. I mean, it's not super deep or anything, but I'm just like, um...no...actually, it isn't beautiful when I fall apart. And there sure as heck isn't anything "magical" about it. When I fall apart, there are tears, boogers, excessive consumption of chocolate in all forms, and breakdowns that leave me exhausted and frustrated with God/myself and feeling confused.  Falling apart is not fun. It isn't pretty. I don't find it magical or beautiful when I'm in it. God can and does absolutely bring redemption from the most heartbreaking situations...but I just hate when Christians slap cheesy phrases on the the most difficult things we can experience in life. Like, "comfortably miserable"? I'm sorry, but what the hell. Honestly, I don't even know what that means.

I'm sure that whatever message this band was trying to convey is great. But the way they went about expressing it was anything but magical. In fact, it was quite tragic all the ways this song broke my heart. It was just so dang predictable and left me feeling pretty miserable. Truly, only God could take this broken song and make it something beautiful.

About Me

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This blog is basically how I de-stress from 1.) all the awkwardness I encounter and cause on a daily basis and 2.) life in general. You know all of those little situations and bumps in the road that you don't give a second that about? (No, you don't know, because you didn't give them a second thought.) Well, those kinds of situations tend to create existential dilemmas in my soul. So at some point I will probably give you too much in depth information on my emotional, spiritual, and mental health, because some self-absorbed part of me thinks you really want to know.
