(More Like Just Trials)
(More Like Just Trials)
1. When you see your "Most Compatible Matches" for the day and it makes you lose all faith in humanity.
And love. And facial hair ever being attractive. Your pick: Stalker Lover or Serial Killer? Choices choices…
2. The heartfelt answers
Just makes those panties drop.
Then there are the short and…sweet?

I mean…I could get on board with this last one, I suppose?
3. The Classic Profile Cover Photo With a Guy Holding a Large Bass.
You men know who you are and all the ladies know what I am talking about. I think guys forget that they are trying to attract women, not prove their hunting/fishing prowess to other men. Exhibit A: a man standing next to a truck full of dead furry animals. Yes, that is indeed a truck filled with dead. furry. animals. I am genuinely puzzled…do men think that ladies are over here being like, "Oh baby. Let me get me get a piece of that action!"
Dear men, when a lady is looking through your pictures, she subconsciously trying to see if she can see herself in the life you are showing her. So when we see a picture of you standing proudly in some sort of garage with dead animals…our instincts are telling us what they told those poor animals: run.
4. When you keep getting matched with all the cute boys. Maybe?
Who knows.
It's all just so mysterious….
5. When They Tell You What You Already Knew
Yes, sad human being. You will indeed be alone forever.