Monday, November 15, 2010

The Post That Wasn't

“Maybe I don’t like being different,” Meg said. “but I don’t want to be like everybody else, either.” (A Wrinkle In Time)

You have no idea how dramatic I want to be about my life right now.

Be glad that I am trying to be mature and not go all "teen angst" on you...even though I am not a teenager anyway--but who says, "20-something angst"?

On a side note, I am always confused about where punctuation marks go. Inside or outside of quotation marks?

Yes, so instead of going all angst-y on you, you are getting a post about how I am not going to be super emotional. You see, I have the foresight to know that in hindsight whatever I would write right now would sound so stupid a year from now, no matter how oh-so-serious it "feels" in the moment. Heck, it would sound stupid tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

  1. "The punctuation marks are on the inside!"

    The quotations are like your mother's arms comfortably hugging everything inside of them.

    For a more specific answer: The quote is an expression (or expressive) so the line that you are quoting should contain the mood of the sentence. You don't need to jazz up the quote on the outside with another mark.

    P.S. This is a blog no-one reads anyways (allegedly), so you shouldn't have any qualms about writing something stupid so that a year later you can look at how much you've changed. =)


About Me

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This blog is basically how I de-stress from 1.) all the awkwardness I encounter and cause on a daily basis and 2.) life in general. You know all of those little situations and bumps in the road that you don't give a second that about? (No, you don't know, because you didn't give them a second thought.) Well, those kinds of situations tend to create existential dilemmas in my soul. So at some point I will probably give you too much in depth information on my emotional, spiritual, and mental health, because some self-absorbed part of me thinks you really want to know.
